Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers to several frequently asked questions here. If you can't find an answer to your question on this website then feel free to contact us. We're experts in our field and we have all the right answers.

No, we do not charge for estimates. We will come to your home and give you a free estimate.
You should water deeply and infrequently. The goal for most lawns is 1″ per week, and it is best if that is delivered “all at once” instead of over several days.
For cooler weather grasses, you should mow the grass at the highest setting on your mower or at least 3 inches. Each time you mow, you should cut no more than 1/3 of the grass height. Cutting grass is different for most warmer weather grasses like we have in the South such as bermuda, centipede, and bentgrass. These grasses grow more dense at lower mower settings. Hire us for your lawn maintenance and we’ll always mow at the right height.
Mulch in most cases. Mulching returns nutrients to the lawn, as well as organic matter. It also helps to retain water. Sometimes it may be helpful to bag if you have an annual weed infestation which is setting seeds, or if your grass has gotten extra long between mowings.
You can fill in low spots with a one quarter inch layer of topsoil or sand. You may have to gradually fill in a low spot to avoid smothering the grass. Another alternative is to lift the sod with a shovel, fill with sand or topsoil, and replace the sod. Top-dressing, sanding, and sodding is something we do regularly.
Annual weeds that grow from seed can be prevented with the application of a pre-emergent herbicide (CGM for Organic) prior to seed germination. There is also a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent many perennial type broadleaf weeds. After the weeds appear, you can apply a post-emergent herbicide or pull the weeds by hand. Call us and we’ll have the right person spray the right fertilization for your lawn.
Core aeration is preferred because it removes small cores of dirt to ease compaction. Spike aeration can compress some types of soil and add to compaction issues. However, spike aeration is best for sandy type soils. In either case, you’ll need an aerator to do the job. Call us rather than renting one and doing this hefty job yourself.

Caseyscapes provides you with the complete solution for your Property.
